Vaughnshit Blog

Thursday 31 October 2013

LMFAO Shawnio trying to "Dox" trolltikbrony

As you know trolltikbrony is Australian but Shawnio took the word stupidity to a whole new level HAHAHA.

So apparently trolltikbrony lives in Melbourne lol.

So he is both harmless and living in Melbourne... This is true retardation and the thought process of Shawnio Doesn't go very far mind you. If he hasn't been paying attention his "so-called" dox were released but wait.
You didn't see them did you shawn?

This is way too funny. The idea of Shawnio thinking he knows where this guy lives let alone his history. Shawn I would suggest researching before assuming where someone lives.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Pretty in Pink chris

Chris the vaughnstar.

And here we see a user by the name of Chris making a complete idiot of himself. Although it's about Celebration and happy times it shouldn't really give you an excuse to be an idiot on vaught. But I guess People just can't help themselves.

Oh Shawnio and co. They are at it once again and this time it's the L word. Yes you heard it a "Lawsuit". But who is going to make the lawsuit? Does anyone have the guts to actually report the site? And seen as though the site is still "In progress" there is no real "Copyright" when you visit

A google search brings up two sites. The actual site and

Funny isn't it how 2 completely different sites impact such minimal effort.
Now let's look at

Fascinating so far... Seems legit still under construction.. Probably been like this for a hecka long time.
Now lets look at the bottom lol.

Oh but wait I don't see any copyright at all whatsoever... What do you mean Lawsuit? I can't see anything But a site in construction.. One thing you should learn and I mean learn is the basic copyright policies. Especially when you're talking about 2 domains in general but good luck with that lawsuit stuff boys.

Kel the annoying aussie

Just thought I'd share this video of kel from vauhgnlive doing things you'd see most bogan Australians would do. Simply true and honest bogan hearted spirit flows within her.

Oh Shawnio you so silly

It seems whenever someone seems to take an acquisition that they assume you are someone. I got accused of being trolltikbrony who has been banned about 20 times on vaughn. Just letting you all know if I was trolltikbrony I wouldn't really know how to make these posts hehe.

So... Lets start shall we where shawnio and his pathetic blog comes into this situation in about 20 seconds.

So you at first don't know who made it and here you are acting as if you are clueless about it. Good ol trolltik. Yes I am sure with hi ability to DDOS and such that he does not know how to use the internet. This thread is not about trolltik or any such association but more of a pointing out shawns stupidity.

Oh but wait a minute. A second ago you were saying he doesn't know how the internet works. So how exactly does this go from not know to instant assumptions. Sad when a user is dragged into the process Of being as desperate to making a blog copying scuttlebug.

There's more then 1 Australian user on vaughnlive. Don't get overexcited. And now he is going to talk about it and brag on his blog about his ability to take screenshot. Oh the irony.

No shit sherlock but as I said dummy there are alot of Aussies on vaughn. You got your panties in a bunch for nothing you social retard.

Good game Shawn you got trolled by someone who you thought was trolltik..

Name and shame? (Lardos hopeless antics)

Well, from what we can see lardo and his pals along with Iamsonchild a former bible bashing user on vaughn Has made threats and is apparently going to name and shame those who have apparently "Dissed him". Oh no These antics oh lardo and your nutty gang are always at it aren't you? 




What I would call this is a form of I am mad because I haven't been mentioned on letsstalkyawntv and the fact that the user has the mental capacity of a child.

Such a sad day when users get so desperate that they have to cry and whine about not being on a blog. It's today's social media impact I guess.

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