Vaughnshit Blog

Sunday 10 November 2013

Anderson Caught up in a web of lies

Here we see mr anderson being his usual self making crazy accusations about other people without actually backing it up. He changes the topic several times which is I guess his way of ratting out or getting out of a situation he doesn't like. The lies and the bullshit ends here now I guess cause his "Accusations" have nothing to be backed up.
So Anderson. You tell me who's right and who's wrong an come back when you have proof form what I see here there is totally 0% evidence backing your claims up. You feel as if it's KW and lardo but I just don't get why you have to constantly lie and you know what they say about lies ;)
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  1. James' severe mental disease & resulting illness ,excludes him from any aspect of reality or what we call reality ,In fact an [ aggrophobic reportedly ] isolated from reality ,ski masked ,basement dwelling trogladyte the proud owner of 87 yachts ,Billionaire lifestyle ,whilst tweeking his nipples on his emaciated white corpse ,nosing his mic noncholantly ,one day ..the next a sensei ,mind Kontrol deadly silent ninja djinn killer ,reaping havoc on the non white ,ethnic victims he has wet dreams of nightly ...but hey get J,D really pissed ....& ...he,ll get mwommy to call U !!

  2. He is scared to face me too. He cant be a real man he pretends to be a someone on the internet to impress others.


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