Now I'd like to take a moment to point out the obvious ignorance of Miss Lynne Scruffy and why nobody comes and casts on their shit site anymore. You ever have a question not related to a site issue and have the staff member who handles site issues directly blow you off completely? Well, here is a fine example of what this bitch is capable of... This is why Mark moved away from her mum she is a ignorant trashy ass ignorant arrogant pompous bitch.

You notice how it's a simple question that can be answered either by Mark or Scruffy? Because you know. Obviously it isn't about a user or anything, and I am pretty sure it's an easy question to answer. But no Mrsscruffy has to be her usual bitchy self.

Again? He/she only said it like what once? And you're not even reading the chat properly you stupid bitch. I wonder why that stupid prick put you as community manager. Because you could overuse you powers and blow everyone off expecting them to email you so you can ignore them again.

Oh, and look there is the contact command. I am pretty damn sure everyone knows the command by now. They've been using it for a while. Look Lynne if you can't do your job and you say you're sick of "Spoonfeeding" everyone then why the hell did you take the job in the first place? You obviously can't do it so then stop working?? I mean, you're hardly social or caring about anyones needs so i don't really see you as a helpful figure or a nice person..
Do yourself a favour.... get off your high horse. Go get laid... And actually do something that doesn't have to do with being a bitch.. That is why your twat is so tight.. Cause you can't get fucked by mr vaughn...
I'd feel sorry for him too.
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